Choose the answer that best rewrites the sentence, or choose to leave it unedited

  Question 8 of 10 ( 347276 )
  Maximum Attempts: 1
  Question Type: Multiple Choice
  Maximum Score: 1
  Question: Read the following and determine if adding a coordinate or subordinate clause would improve the style and smoothness of the writing. Choose the answer that best rewrites the sentence, or choose to leave it unedited.

David called this morning. He told me to look for a letter in the mail tomorrow.
  Choice Feedback
*A. David called this morning and told me to look for a letter in the mail tomorrow. Correct!
B. Although David called this morning, he told me to look for a letter in the mail tomorrow.
C. David called this morning, yet he told me to look for a letter in the mail tomorrow.
D. The sentence is fine as it is.
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The correct answer is: David called this morning and told me to look for a letter in the mail tomorrow.

  Question 9 of 10 ( 347277 )
  Maximum Attempts: 1
  Question Type: Multiple Choice
  Maximum Score: 1
  Question: Read the following and determine if adding a coordinate or subordinate clause would improve the style and smoothness of the writing. Choose the answer that best rewrites the sentence, or choose to leave it unedited.

My friend agreed to meet me for coffee at noon today. She didn’t show up until 12:45.
  Choice Feedback
A. My friend agreed to meet me for coffee at noon today, so she didn’t show up until 12:45.
*B. Although my friend agreed to meet me for coffee at noon today, she didn’t show up until 12:45. Correct!
C. When my friend agreed to meet me for coffee at noon today, she didn’t show up until 12:45.
D. The sentence is fine as it is.
Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: Although my friend agreed to meet me for coffee at noon today, she didn’t show up until 12:45.

  Question 10 of 10 ( 347278 )
  Maximum Attempts: 1
  Question Type: Multiple Choice
  Maximum Score: 1
  Question: Read the following and determine if adding a coordinate or subordinate clause would improve the style and smoothness of the writing. Choose the answer that best rewrites the sentence, or choose to leave it unedited.

When I have an argument with someone, I do my best to resolve it quickly.
  Choice Feedback
A. I have an argument with someone, but I do my best to resolve it quickly.
B. While I have an argument with someone, I do my best to resolve it quickly.
C. I have an argument with someone. I do my best to resolve it quickly.
*D. The sentence is fine as it is. Correct!
Global Incorrect Feedback
The correct answer is: The sentence is fine as it is.

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